health & wellbeing

Leading a COVID-19 recovery that will lift up working families and our small business community while addressing the mental health crisis of our time

LA County serves as our region’s social safety net, providing public and mental health services for all of our communities. As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, we must build out a holistic health system that meets all of our communities’ needs, particularly as we face a substance use and mental health crisis, including among some of our youngest residents.

Our health systems must continue to evolve to meet the needs of today, with a focus on prevention and leading with care. Supervisor Horvath has a commitment to healthy schools, clean air and clean water, and economic opportunity to make every community as healthy as it can be.


health & wellbeing

Leading a COVID-19 recovery that will lift up working families and our small business community while addressing the mental health crisis of our time

LA County serves as our region’s social safety net, providing public and mental health services for all of our communities. As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, we must build out a holistic health system that meets all of our communities’ needs, particularly as we face a substance use and mental health crisis, including among some of our youngest residents.

Our health systems must continue to evolve to meet the needs of today, with a focus on prevention and leading with care. Supervisor Horvath has a commitment to healthy schools, clean air and clean water, and economic opportunity to make every community as healthy as it can be.

LA County Provides $3 Million in ARP Funds to Support West Hollywood Recovery Center

LA County Provides $3 Million in ARP Funds to Support West Hollywood Recovery Center 1024 683 Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath

LA County will provide $3 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to support the West Hollywood Recovery Center (WHRC).

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Board Directs Ordinance for “Bubble Zones”, Protecting People Who Access Schools, Houses of Worship, Healthcare

Board Directs Ordinance for “Bubble Zones”, Protecting People Who Access Schools, Houses of Worship, Healthcare 1024 888 Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath

The Board approved Chair Horvath’s motion to create a “bubble zone” ordinance to protect individuals accessing healthcare centers, houses of worship, and schools.

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Board Strengthens Gender-Based Violence Prevention Across Los Angeles County

Board Strengthens Gender-Based Violence Prevention Across Los Angeles County 1024 888 Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath

The Board of Supervisors took an important step to prioritize gender-based violence (GBV) prevention in Los Angeles County.

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