May 21, 2024
Los Angeles, CA – The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors took a major step forward on disaggregating County data on the current needs and disparities among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities. Board Chair Lindsey P. Horvath’s motion to create a “State of AANHPI in Los Angeles County” report fills an essential gap in LA County’s efforts to advance equitable policies, outreach, and services, and ultimately improve outcomes for AANHPI communities across LA.
“Historically, AANHPI communities have been viewed as a monolith, which leads to erasure and misrepresentation of their unique experiences and needs,”said Board Chair Horvath. “The State of AANHPI Los Angeles County report will incorporate the diverse perspectives of AANHPI Angelenos and provide a space for community leaders to set a strategic vision for where we as the County should be focusing our efforts and resources. This disaggregated data will be critical to move away from harmful stereotypes and ensure we are improving life outcomes for all AANHPI communities.
The motion creates a biennial report on analyzing data on AANHPI communities in LA County for a wide range of focus areas, including health, employment, housing, safety and justice, and civic participation. The report also analyzes current utilization of LA County programs and services, including an assessment of the County’s language access and cultural competency practices.
“The First District is home to numerous AANHPI diasporas including Thai Town, Chinatown, Historic Filipinotown, Little Tokyo, and of course the many Asian American enclaves across the San Gabriel Valley,” said Supervisor Hilda L. Solis. “As the Supervisor with the largest concentration of AANHPI residents, it is a diverse community with varied needs and that is why the report requested in this motion is so necessary. This report will help us to identify additional needs for the AANHPI community to ensure that we are driving equity in our policy decisions and improving outcomes for AANHPI Angelenos.”
The motion also instructs the LA County Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director of Racial Equity, and Director of Public Health to report back within six months on a new policy that standardizes racial, ethnic, cultural, and sociolinguistic data collection, disaggregation, and reporting practices.
For more information, read the full motion.