Request for Funding

Each Supervisorial District has discretionary grant funding available to support community-serving organizations.

Grant requests are carefully reviewed and considered for possible funding by Supervisor Horvath. Please understand that, given the number of requests received, our office cannot accommodate all requests. We’re grateful for the incredible work organizations across the Third District are doing!

Grant criteria:

  • The requesting organization must have a location in the Third District, and the funds requested are for the benefit of Third District constituents and communities.
  • Grants will only be provided to non-sectarian, Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) non-profit organizations located within the Third District.
  • Grants cannot be used to promote a particular religion or religious belief.
  • Requests may include but are not limited to educational/recreational projects, arts and cultural programs, environmental awareness programs/projects, public safety programs, health and social service initiatives and programs. Grants can also help support an organization with one-time funding to purchase equipment, needed materials, repairs or augmentation of a physical site, etc.
  • “Seed” Grants to establish new and innovative work will be considered as long as all other criteria are met.
  • Grants for an individual or private entity will not be considered
  • Grants are for a one-year period only. Grants requesting multi-year or ongoing funding will not be considered. For example, applications for ongoing staffing, operations and/or salaries will not be considered.

To apply, please complete the “Third District Discretionary Funding Application” below along with all required supporting materials.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact:

Yolanda Valadez, Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff

(213) 974-3333 or