Chair Horvath Affirms that the Values of Los Angeles County Hold Strong

Chair Horvath Affirms that the Values of Los Angeles County Hold Strong 1024 888 Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath

Chair Horvath Affirms that the Values of Los Angeles County Hold Strong

November 6, 2024

LOS ANGELES, CA — Today, Lindsey P. Horvath, Chair of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, shares the following statement affirming Los Angeles County’s values of inclusion and care.

“Los Angeles County will not abandon our values; we will double down on them in order to protect our diverse communities through policies and programs that keep people safe, healthy, and protected from hatred and regressive actions.

While we can’t take away the pain of all who are gutted today, please know this: Los Angeles County will continue to protect our immigrant communities, and to affirm reproductive healthcare, LGBTQ+ rights, and the right of every person to live and be met with care first by their government.

Los Angeles County will remain the social safety net for our local communities, while striving to model for the nation what inclusion, harmony, and a more perfect union can look like.”
